Thursday, August 18, 2016

CL - Lifted

I have a short review and a longer review below the jump.

Short review:

Longer review:

There is not one redeemable thing about this song or music video. The music video starts itself horribly in that I wanted to bleach my eyes out within the first ten seconds of the video. Seeing CL in a bikini is cruel and unusual punishment and my eyes shouldn't be subject to that. This is coming from a person who has watched a lot of videos on efukt.

What I hate most about the video is that CL continues her own self-hatred of being Asian. If you've read her interview, it is the typical "I'm going to put down my own people to portray myself as cooler to fit in with the blacks and whites." I just find it pathetic that CL has to go through the self-hatred route to try to appeal to Americans who won't give a shit about her anyway. Why throw your own race under the bus just to adopt a fake persona that you don't relate to at all. CL tries to act like she's a ghetto ratchet bitch, but she's the daughter of a professor and has lived in safe cities such as Tokyo and Seoul growing up, not the shit stains like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore or Oakland. CL is as ghetto as I am politically correct. It's just not an image that any Asian should try to be pulling off.

Onto the song, it's a shit show just like CL's other two American debut songs. I'm not going to subject my ears to the torture by listening to the song again. It's filled with retarded lyrics with lazy rhymes on top of a bad beat, but YG fans will lap this shit up just in the same way that CL laps up the bullshit of thinking she's one of the UCAADs.

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