Friday, July 22, 2016

You Don't Have To Agree With Fei. You Don't Have to Hate Fei.

With China and the SEA recent activities a lot of Chinese-born idols have been showing support for China and because of it I see two extremes of people coming out and both look stupid. On one hand, you have people hating Fei because she supports China, then you have people hating on the people hating on Fei because politics doesn't define her as a person. And honestly, they're both missing the point.

The reason why I restrained myself from talking about politics in my Fei review was because it had absolutely nothing to do with the music. Had it not have been Fei, but a completely different idol I would have the same exact reaction pretty much. It would have nothing to do with the article so that'w why I'm saving it for here.

You don't have to agree with Fei. You don't have to hate Fei.

It appears a lot of people don't know how Chinese politics works. I admit myself I am NO expert but after seeing so many celebs go through hell over there, and then what happened to a sixteen year old Tzuyu, it's easy to see that they take nationalism pretty seriously in China. That's not to say Korea, Japan, and the U.S. have no nationalism because they do. However the difference is that if this whole thing took place in the U.S. and Fei were an American artist, she wouldn't have to say shit. In fact, she'd be advised to stay silent. Even if she were to go on a Twitter rant about how stupid the U.S. is, she'd receive some backlash from trolls and that would be about it. But she isn't from the U.S., she's from China, and things are ran differently over there. Look at what's happening to Jolin Tsai and Charlene Choi just by staying silent? Can you imagine what would happen to Fei for speaking out against it? She has to think about more than herself, but her home and family. 

But that's not to say that you HAVE to agree with Fei. You don't. If an idol posted up some pro-Donald Trump shit there is no way I would agree with them. You don't even have to like Fei if you disagree with her heavily. If someones views personally hurt you then you have a right to no longer be "attached" to them. Like when your favorite group starts to release shit song after shit song and you find it very hard to keep stanning them. People should understand this. However you shouldn't feel the need to hate on and demonize her. At the end of the day, she is doing what is the most safe for her and if it came down to it, if the situation where different, then she probably wouldn't have said anything.

Take Siwon for a prime example. No way in hell I agree with most of the shit that comes from his mouth/twitter and his God-bothering hypocritical ways are annoying as fuck. However I'm not going to start up an anti-Siwon website where all I do is post about how much I hate him and demand him to be removed from Super Junior. I just simply don't give any fucks about him.

At the end of the day, shitting on Fei's solo, going on her social media and putting her on blast, is not going to accomplish anything. In fact, most of us are so far away from even being in the position to accomplish anything regarding that because it so far out of reach. 

I doubt anyone cares about my thoughts on this but let's just say I view extreme nationalism in the same light as an STD: avoidable but extremely hard to cure once spread. If at all.

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