Thursday, July 21, 2016

Dear Kalliope: A Kpop Advice Column

Dear Kalliope,

I have been a big fan of kpop for many years, even though I don't live in Korea or speak Korean. However, my friends all think the music is dumb and shallow, and that I'm some kind of creepy Asian fetishist because I think kpop idols are hot. What can I tell my friends to convince them that I'm not a dumb creeper? 

-Totally Angered by Rude Assholes

Dear T(-)ARA,

Okay, first of all, you are not the racist one if your friends think it's creepy to be attracted to Asian people. If you phrase it like that to your rude friends, I bet it'll shut them up real quick. Hot people are hot, regardless of their race.

If your reaction to this is negative, you might be a racist.
Plus, though kpop gets a lot of flack for schoolgirl outfits and cutesy stuff that lots of Western people automatically assume makes kpop fans a bunch of borderline pedophiles, Western music is just as bad, if not even worse. Plus, that last video is racist as fuck.

So now we've dealt with their claims that you're a creep for liking kpop. What do you say when your dumb friends accuse kpop of being inferior to Western music? Well, first of all, most Western pop music is fucking appalling.

Secondly, kpop is, yes, pretty derivative of Western pop music trends (see: Ailee's extremely thinly veiled ripping off of Beyonce), but it also draws on an incredibly diverse range of sources including Indian and Western classical music, doo-wop, discoreggae and multi-car highway traffic accidents. Yeah, kpop is derivative as hell. But it takes Western pop trends at their peak, wipes all the dirt of them, ties them up in a pretty bow and makes a bunch of incredibly well-trained and super sexy people perform them. Plus, if you're not a Korean speaker, that means you get all the excitement of English-language pop music minus the insufferably stupid lyrics. Sure, if your friends would rather to listen to two ugly people screech the incredibly poetic lyrics "let's Marvin Gaye and get it on," they can be my fucking guest. But they should consider ... not doing that.

Most music is terrible and there's no way to actually objectively evaluate music quality anyway, so you might as well watch a bunch of hot girls dance while you enjoy their incredibly complex harmonies and unique vocal deliveries or what the fuck ever. So, in conclusion: listen to whatever music you want, and don't listen to a bunch of discriminatory under-educated dickwads. Good luck!

Got a question (kpop-themed or otherwise) that you want me to give you some mediocre advice about? Leave it in the comments below and I'll answer it in a future installment of Dear Kalliope. 

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