Saturday, July 2, 2016

AKF Interview: Koreaboos Can Now be Koreans

Hey everyone, our society has degraded to the point to where I can't make fun of Koreaboos any longer because everyone can identify whatever the fuck as they want. Here, I interview a fat, white American girl who thinks she's now Korean. Fuck our society.

AKF: So, I hear you identify as Korean. When did this happen?

Fat American Landwhale (FAL from hereon out): It's been about four years now, after I got into EXO. I fell in love with them and started learning more and more about Korea. After a while, I just felt Korean.

AKF: You don't seem to act Korean at all.

FAL: Why do you say that?

AKF: First of all, Koreans actually care about their looks. You obviously don't.

FAL: Not all Koreans care about their looks. I'm beautiful the way I am.

AKF: No, you're not. You're a disgusting landwhale who is too lazy to even walk around in the grocery store. Your lard ass uses a motorized scooter that are supposed to be reserved for people with actual disabilities.

FAL: You're just a fat-shaming bigot.

AKF: No, this is coming from someone who is actually Korean. Trust me landwhale, the native-born Koreans would be even more ruthless.

FAL: I have a positive image of my body. I would compare it to Fei's body.

AKF: I would compare you to Suzy the fat whore. Fei is actually hot. I can't think of anyone here at AKF who would even fap to you. I'm sure even Kpopalypse has his weight limits.

FAL: Not at all Koreans are really skinny. There are those of us who are plus-sized.

AKF: Those plus-sized Koreans are still smaller than the average fat white person in the Western world, and your fat ass is big enough for the moon to gravitate around you.

FAL: Oh, whatever, you're just mad that I'm better at Korean than you.

AKF: You're better at Korean than me? How much Korean do you actually know?

FAL: I've learned Korean from K-Pop songs. Nae oppa-deul neomu meosjyeoyo.

AKF: Have you actually studied Korean aside from the lyrics of K-Pop songs and random interviews EXO had?

FAL: No, because I'm natively fluent in Korean after a few hours of listing to K-Pop.

AKF: Okay, this is going nowhere. How do you identify yourself as Korean when you don't even remotely look Korean?

FAL: Since Koreans want to look white and get plastic surgery to look like white people, I view myself as looking like the Korean ideal type.

AKF: Okay, I don't even know where to start with your retarded comment. Korean people don't want to look white. This is just a white narrative because white people believe the world revolves around them. If you were actually Korean and understood the desired aesthetics, you would know Koreans had an ideal type of beauty before coming into contact with white people.

Second, no self-respecting Korean would want to look like your fat ass.

FAL: You're just a bigoted homophobe.

AKF: Do you want to know what I identify myself as?

FAL: What?

AKF: An innocent man.

AKF pulls out a 9mm handgun and shoots the retarded fangirl in the head three times.

AKF: I wish this was just something I made up, but you know a lot of fucking delusional fangirls probably identify as Korean since transracial is a thing now. 

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