Saturday, June 21, 2014

7 times K-dramas make us act like overly emotional children

For better or worse, watching K-dramas brings out some pretty intense emotions in us. Somehow, they turn otherwise rational and responsible people into impulsive and moody creatures akin to 5-year-olds. If you've ever been around young children, you've seen how kids just can't quite hide or contain their emotions. The secret is that those emotions don't suddenly go away when you're an adult. You still feel like pinching the person next to you when they don't share and throwing a tantrum when you're tired and hungry, socialization has just taught you how to hide it. Well, here are 7 uncontrollable emotions we just can't hold back while watching K-dramas! 

1. The uncontrollable joy that makes you want to dance like a child when they get their first taste of candy.  

2. The extreme frustration that makes you want to throw a tantrum like a 2 year old when things don't go the way they want them to. 

3. The impatience you feel when you have to wait for what you want and are getting very close to having a meltdown because it feels like it will never come.

4. The confusion you feel when you have to choose between two great things, like ice-cream or cookies for desert, and you just can't comprehend why you can't have both. 

5. The exhaustion and crankiness you feel the next day when you fought being put to bed all night because you didn't want to miss a moment of fun.

6. The obstinance and stubbornness you feel when you are being made to say you're sorry, but you're really not. 

7. The total inhibition you display that is usually reserved for either the very young, very old, or very drunk about your K-drama obsession.  

Have K-dramas made you feel more "young at heart" (to put it nicely)? Comment below!

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