Thursday, April 25, 2013

Best Kdrama Kiss Scenes

One of the things that I genuinely appreciate about kdramas in contrast to Hollywood romantic comedies is that they are pretty clean.  Hollywood movies often rely on a random sex scene to drive the relationship forward, and while I'm sure some relationships start with an accidental drunken rendezvous, these scenes aren't really representative of most healthy long-term relationships I know.  Kdramas, on the other hand, tend to focus on building relationships, and the rare sex scenes are implied rather than explicit.  There is some debate on whether this overarching chastity sends the wrong message (I read an article about this yesterday, but I can't find it now), but I think overall, it actually sends healthier messages about sex and relationships.

That being said, nothing drives me crazier than the lack of passion in some dramas.  When the female lead stands with her eyes wide open as the man inches towards her face and then they barely brush lips, it's infuriating.  THIS IS NOT HOW REAL RELATIONSHIPS WORK, PEOPLE! I'm not saying that they need to rip each others' clothes off during the first date, but when people are in love (and especially when they overcome absurd plot hurdles for that love), physical desire is a manifestation of that emotional connection.

Just like a bad kdrama kiss can undermine the emotional payout of the show, a good kiss filled with passion makes the whole thing worth watching.  So, for those of you tired of frozen lip-bumps, here is a countdown of the best gut-flipping, knee-melting kisses we've seen in kdramas. (I have included video where I could find good ones, but I would recommend just watching these dramas instead of spoiling the surprise. The build-up is half the fun!)

10.  A Gentleman's Dignity: The Window Kiss

I love this series, and it had a lot of solid kissing to choose from (And a good thing, too!  There's no need to be shy when you're 40!), but I think my personal favorite was the window kiss.  For one thing, I love that he gives her a mini warning kiss to shut her up before really going in for the kill.  For another thing, this was the first time in the series when they were both really invested.  The combination made me so happy for these characters who I had really grown to love.

9.  Secret Garden: Party Kiss

Now, I know that a lot of people actually prefer the famous foam kiss to the one at the party.  The foam kiss is probably more memorable, but I decided to veto it for two reasons: 1. In practical terms, licking food off of someone else's face seems unsanitary and gross, and 2. She didn't want to be kissed at this point in the series. The forcible kiss is rampant in kdramas, and I think that's kind of a problem (for a great explanation on why it bothers me, read this awesome post that explains it better than I could). On the other hand, this party kiss is filled with passion on both sides, especially since he basically just said, "Screw it--I'm in love with you."

8. My Lovely Sam Soon: First Kiss

I remember when I was first dating my husband and he told me that he always just waited until girls went crazy and kissed him first.  As soon as he said that, I vowed that I would never, ever make the first move (and I won on that one, by the way).  Even though making the first move isn't my style, I kind of like when kdrama girls take the initiative.  The poster child for this one is Sam Soon.  She doesn't let anyone boss her around in other areas in her life, so when her boss taunts her, it's only natural that she would take control of the situation.

7. My Princess: The Airplane Kiss

The first kiss in the series was somewhat underwhelming, but the chemistry definitely improved as time went on.  Here's another example of the girl taking the initiative, and it's both playful and romantic.  This is the last scene in the whole series, and if every series ended this way, I would be thrilled!
Bonus points for his flailing arms

6. Personal Taste: "Game Over" Kiss

As I said in my review of this series, this kiss was probably the best part of the whole thing.  I don't know that it's worth watching the entire series just for the kiss, so let me tell you the important parts.  Lee Min Ho pretends to be gay, and then this kiss happens, and then blah blah.  Just watch this on repeat and skip the rest.  


Goong/Princess Hours felt like it stretched on for eternity, and by the time I got to episode 23, I was really, really ready to be done.  This kiss was like patting a kid on the head and giving him or her a lollipop after getting a shot.  Some people would say the lollipop was worth the pain. Others would say it was too little, too late.  I'm on the fence about the series, but man-oh-man,  Yoon Eun Hye is the best in the biz when it comes to returning the passion and not leaving the man to do all of the work. I somehow couldn't find a video that wasn't in slow mo.  Sorry?  Or you're welcome?

4. Coffee Prince: Man or Alien Kiss

I know we've talked about the kisses in Coffee Prince before, so you had to know this was coming.  In their first kiss, Han Kyul doesn't even know that Eun Chan is a girl, and yet somehow Gong Yoo still sells this scene.  Of course Yoon Eun Hye pulls her weight as well, which explains how she ended up in 3 of the top 5 kisses on this list.

3. Flower Boy Ramyun Shop: The Movie Theater Kiss

This series is a perfect example of how good physical chemistry can really help elevate a show that would otherwise be average (or below average, depending on how creeped out you were by the whole teacher-student thing).  Maybe this should be lower on the list because she isn't into it at first, but his commitment won me over. I mean, the man rides in on a motorcycle to sweep her off her feet. There are plenty of videos of this kiss, but you really need to have the subtitles to catch the full effect.  She is unimpressed with his first kiss--until he tells her that he isn't finished yet. 
I think it's safe to say that she was impressed this time.

 Also of note in this drama is the kimchi kiss.  I don't think Eun Bi was the only one whose legs buckled a little at that one.  Then again, the same principle applies here that applied to the foam kiss: Sure, it seems hot at first, but now your face is covered in kimchi AND spit.

2. Prosecutor Princess: Confession Kiss

Holy moly.  The further I get into this countdown, the more my heart is melting into a bowl full of gelatin.  The kiss in Prosecutor Princess is filled with waist-grabbing angst.  They're angry at themselves for being in love, but they let loose for a minute anyway before coming back to breathless reality. It's impulsive and passionate and all-around awesome.

Ladies, note that her eyes are CLOSED.
Thank you for showing us how it's done.

1. Lie to Me: Karaoke Kiss/Cola Kiss

I agonized over which kiss to choose from this series.  The cola kiss is more generally popular, but the the karaoke kiss was what really sold me on this show.  In both scenes, it's this intense, immediate realization of attraction that leads to on-screen magic.  I have yet to see anything that beats them, though I welcome suggestions for competitors! 

Which of these kisses was your favorite? Are there any more passionate drama kisses out there that we should check out?

Best Kdrama Kiss free polls 

1  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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